Friends and Family

Phillip Wong Photography

            While most of my photographic work has been with media publications (editorial), and fashion, I also have been interested in the ability of people in arts and society to gain visibility in a world in which visibility is almost everything.

         I have met, and worked with, and photographed, people of immense talent and accomplishment. Some have never been known to the world and there are those who have taken years to achieve recognition.  So, as a lone individual, I have tried to make a difference by listening, and watching everyone I come into contact with – personally, by word-of-mouth, reading, or something on social media (although that is less likely), and talking to them.

          That willingness to listen, has given me uncommon access, and has brought people to me.

         Shooting a story of who someone is, what they do, what they love, where they want to go, is both fascinating to me, and urgent to a society that becomes more “branded” based on who has access to the money to pay for “branding.”  Image influences. It can give a foothold on a cliff or a foot in a door.

      “Friends and Family,” is my approach to allowing people who believe in themselves, their accomplishments and dreams, access to imaging that can give them a chance.  I wanted a place to meet.
If you believe in yourself, if you know someone I should shoot – contact me, and we’ll see what we can do.