Phillip Wong Photography
Richard Glasgow
Bridal is one of the niche areas of fashion that remains couture. Very specific, very focused, and classic, it is detail oriented, and each image takes a team of people working for longer periods of time to obtain the designer’s desired look.
Richard Glasgow designed gowns are still sought after by elite bridal shops around the world. Most top end designers work on a single piece for a single client to be worn once. The workmanship and detail is of premiere importance, and designers loved my attention to their detail, my understanding of their form, shape, and subtleties. But the patience of models to shoot only six garments per day, and the detailed arrangement of a fashion piece while on their body, was a trying experience.
Over several seasons, my choice of lighting was based on understanding how the gown was designed, what it was meant to achieve and how a wedding audience, and sales audience differed in their focus.